Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Clan and A Fan...

So I guess there is an official coat of arms for the Daquila family. I’m like, “well “aint that awesome?” Discovering this makes me want to do a whole Roots thing and track our family history past our grandparents. Heck... I don’t even know all my uncles or aunts on either side of my family. Very strange state of being for a Filipino family especially with all these other Flip clans running around with reunions hosting guests of a 100 or more. Apparently our family is as big just all spread out across the globe.

Dad has me up early this morning for church. I laugh because we are just doing the local thing and attending at the Red Deer SDA church. I have to say that after being to a different church every weekend since I’ve moved here, Alberta has some of the nicest churches I’ve seen in an SDA conference. I guess being the richest province in Canada has its effect in every sector.

While reading up on the Greg Lemond/Trek fiasco of recent weeks I ran into this photograph of Greg and this new rider chic Cynthia. (Flip you think?) Apparently she just fell in love with the sport of cycling in 2007 and got to ride with the Tour De France champ in July of that year. How lucky is that! Plus this chic is so into bikes and aches to race! I had to admit after reading through some of her blog entries and exchanging some pleasant bike geek stuff with her, I was so totally crushing! In a friendly, distant, isn’t looking for a girlfriend, but I’ll acknowledge you are dang cute sorta way! Crap... I'm a fan...

Anyway I did an awesome workout yesterday. I finally got the courage to really go all out and add extra reps all around. I felt good!!! I’m really pumped to really focus on both increasing and refining my technique to build core strength over this summer. I do feel a little sore this morning but in that I must be doing something right kind of way.

Well I better get this thing posted so I can squeeze in some pushups and a few curls before church.

Feliz Sabado!

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