Sunday, April 5, 2009

So That I May See Your Face...

Being around photo albums and a basement full of old memories often causes me to reflect on the last 33 years of my life. Sadly this reflection is filled with regret. I chide myself for wasting so much precious time on insignificant pursuits. Love of the wrong person, a field of study I had no business pursuing, and financial irresponsibility. There are many.

The same thing happens when I’m assigned wash bay duty at work. I wonder how a guy with two university degrees can end up brushing dirt from the carpet of cars and mopping muddy floors.

What is even worse is realizing just how it all happened.
No one to blame but me.

My father has been gently offering insight into my thoughts by reacquainting me with the things that promote self worth and personal value. He is quick to point out that it is the simple things, (the tiny details that we tend to neglect because we think that these are the things that waste time) that over time will make the difference.

I listen, I digest.
I’m scared it won’t work.
I don’t know if I have it in me.

Then the words of comfort come.
The One who has been there since the beginning speaks.

I am valued by Him.

The beauty of the value that God places on us is that it is not based on anything we can do – rather it is based one truth. We are His children. Simply being his child means we have a purpose, possess incredible value, and are loved enough to motivate the greatest sacrifice a parent can ever make…

The death of His beloved son…

As Tess and I make plans for the future there are more questions then answers. Many hills block the promise land.

I often cannot see your face because darkness blocks the light.

But then I pray.

I pray you remember the little boy who lay in the field many years ago with his dog at his side. His eyes looked heavenward and his hands reach out to grab a passing cloud that resembled a hand.

Your hand.

And you promised you would never let me go.

Picture: Natalie Kalovoda Subject: Calvin & Lily

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