Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In the Name of the Father...

I will not be in Red Deer this Friday because I’ll be off to Banff to visit Tess. Also between now and then I’ll be pretty busy so I guess this is the only time I can reserve a moment to pay tribute to my Dad: one who will celebrate his birthday on Friday. [Thank goodness for Facebook who helps me in keeping track of such things!]

I have only in recent years begun to relate to my father. Over my lifetime I’ve always looked up to him as fine example of what a human being should be. He is a dedicated worker, believes very much in education as being the “great equalizer, and an individual who truly relates to many different people. But his ideal has always eluded me throughout my life. I’ve always felt like I could not attain it and have often opted to be the antithesis of it.

With the passing of time, I’ve learned about the human side of my father. He has cautiously lifted the veil to reveal aspects of himself that most would not consider to be so pretty. In fact there are chapters in his deep past that no one would be proud of to have in their record. But rather than disgust me, these revelations bonded me to him in a way that I not experienced before.

Life is indeed journey and each of our journeys is unique. We will all stumble and fall and the fulfillment of our potential is not necessarily based on all the right decisions we make but how we react when we have made bad ones. On the flip side, the people we often shun because they’ve fallen from grace or who are pariah because they’ve stumbled, may very well be our greatest teachers, possessors of deep wisdom, and are the diamonds that are no longer in the preverbal rough.

On his special day I’d like to thank my Dad for teaching me these lessons simply by living his life and being willing to share his story with me. I’d also like to congratulate him on his recent re-election as the Vice President of Administration for the Alberta SDA Conference. The position sounds so important but if anything it means that he must serve many and that is his greatest desire.

Love you Dad!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

In You Alone...

I did a “bad” thing on Saturday afternoon and snuck off The Parable to listen to some music in the CD section of the store. Well come on now, it was Christian music and I was looking for some sonic inspiration. Alas, I did pick up a collection of 51 worship song classics after skipping through the tracks on the demo disc player and being excited by what I heard.

I popped the last CD of the triple collection and brought up the In Christ Alone/The Solid Rock tracks and sped off on Highway 2A in no particular direction just wanting to get away for a little bit. The song moved me to tears literally as I drove. I kept it on repeat as my inner emotions were released and I sang along with the choir with my voice cracking as the words continued to move me.

It has been a while since I’ve taken a moment to reflect inwardly to take stock of how things are in my life. Since making the commitment to recover financially from the fiasco of recent years, I’ve just been focusing on putting my time in at work and paying tithe regularly (thanks mom!), paying debts, saving, and planning for my financial future. I thank God that things have slowly come together and now I actually am on the plus side of things.

However it hasn’t been easier and work has steadily become harder over recent weeks and I do come home exhausted and mentally drained. I remember feeling trapped in my jobs in Toronto and I certainly don’t want that to happen here because years tend to pass with a wasted feeling when that happens.

I wish I had been smarter in my youth and thought things through with more clarity and maturity. I know the factors that played into the mistakes that I have made and I thank God that I’ve learned from them.

Let me not downplay all positive things that have happened in my life since moving out here to Alberta! I mean the fact that I could pick up a CD and drive out on highway 2A in my car is a testimony to God’s continued blessing in my life and. The fact that I daily am reminded on how lucky I am to have two wonderful parents who even sacrifice to help put a roof over my head moves me still. I have done nothing to deserve their love and support… true love for real.

But I guess with all the blessing and restoration comes a renewed sense that I cannot afford to screw around anymore. I need to grow up, and man up and do something with the opportunities that God has given to me. Especially now with someone who keeps telling me that she will be there but it is my life and she believes that I can come through and is looking towards me to come through.

My heart warms when I hear her say that but it also trembles because I don’t want to fail her. Happy Monthsary darling...

So I turn to you alone to keep me and fulfill your plan for my life oh Lord, for I know that without you I am nothing and that with you anything is possible. Do not leave me for I am too weak to hold on to you and I need your strength to carry me through. For all you have given I can never repay. So please open my heart and my will so it can be one with yours. You are my life my all.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

S.O.W. is Sick!

So I’m up at 6 am on a Sabbath morning listening to the MP3s that Addison sent me to sample the new S.O.W. album which I guess I believe is tentatively named “Plant a Seed”. I have to say that I’m quite impressed with the production value of the songs. I’ve been there from the birth of these songs till now and it has been quite a sonic journey.

I must confess that until I heard these tracks, I had no idea where to go with the design of the album look other than I wanted to tie the color scheme into their Youtube site. I went ahead with a design but after hearing the tracks I know that I would have gone a completely different look just because of the fleshed out sound contributed by new members of the group as well as the production value.

Boy what a week at work. I’m suddenly in a crash course of procedure management especially when it comes to handling different insurance replacement deals. Also I’m finally learning all the nuances of closing contracts which can actually be a pain in the ass because it’s a learn as you go process. I often feel like a tool but hey I guess you gotta pay your dues.

I’ve been so exhausted lately after work I’ve actually skipped my workout for about a month and half now and sadly it shows especially with my occasional trips to Micky D’s. That’s one thing I want to change this weekend, which is to workout this afternoon to start my week off right and avoid the fast food for the rest of October. I loved feeling fit and strong and I don’t want to lose that. Come on muscle memory and shock!

Ms. Pelayo is a bit under the weather and I was fortunate to have two computers running as I worked on my album draft so that I could keep her on Yahoo messenger on Dad’s new uber sweet machine while my machine was able to run Photoshop and Illustrator solo. The webcam on his computer is so clear so sick! Yay free high quality calls and video to Banff! Get well soon babe!

Anyway mom will be home soon… Gotta get rid of the Micky D’s evidence… he he he he…

Sunday, October 5, 2008

In It!

There is no reason to keep this a secret any longer. I met the wonderful Ms. Pelayo last May [in fact you track our meeting in my blog. She is briefly mentioned in one of the May entries] and after a few more fateful meetings [now you can really read between the lines through my Falling on the Sword entry] we discovered feelings for each other. We started seriously dating in the beginning of September but we wanted to take the time to ease our friends and family into the idea of us a a couple.

There are aspects of my life that I do keep fairly private even though I rant and rave openly in my blog and on facebook about other matters. This is one of those that I like to keep under wraps. Guess its a characterisitic that I learned from my parents especially my Mom. She strongly believes that what happens and is discussed in the family should stay behind closed doors. She also keeps her relationship with my father under wraps. Only the siblings know how deeply she loves my father and how special their relationship is.

I am so blessed to have met someone who has shown me what it means to be loved. That is the best way to put it and sums up why I am here "in it" with her. Please pray for us as we pray for you.

And yes Kristine we hope to see you all in January!