The CNN presentation of news is a prime example of “news as entertainment.” In my opinion events such as the inauguration of the first African American president should stand on their own merit. No need to hype them up with graphics, music and an anchor’s delivery that is akin to a sportscaster giving the play by play in finals game. Imagine the MLK "I have a Dream" speech being preceded by “Now live from Washington! At the Lincoln Memorial! Dr Martin Luther King! Let’s get ready to rumble!” Cue graphics. Cue James Earl Jones. “This is CNN.”
While I’m a little turned off as to how CNN is tracking the first few days of the Obama Era, I have to confess that I am highly interested in how the man is doing. Like many others I was captivated by his “audacity of hope” speech, moved by the simplicity and straightforwardness of his announcement that he was indeed running for president (caught that one on Youtube), and “yes we can!” I find myself cheering for the lanky dude!
(Lincoln was lanky too… hmmm… coincidence… I think not…)
While the focus seems to be on the “but ifs” and “what ifs” should his leadership fail, I wonder what would happen if his efforts proved to be a resounding success. What if the man almost single handedly rescues the United States (of course the rest of the world and Canada would benefit from this) and thereby solidifies the land of the red, white, and blue as the one true world superpower.
While I’m a little turned off as to how CNN is tracking the first few days of the Obama Era, I have to confess that I am highly interested in how the man is doing. Like many others I was captivated by his “audacity of hope” speech, moved by the simplicity and straightforwardness of his announcement that he was indeed running for president (caught that one on Youtube), and “yes we can!” I find myself cheering for the lanky dude!
(Lincoln was lanky too… hmmm… coincidence… I think not…)
While the focus seems to be on the “but ifs” and “what ifs” should his leadership fail, I wonder what would happen if his efforts proved to be a resounding success. What if the man almost single handedly rescues the United States (of course the rest of the world and Canada would benefit from this) and thereby solidifies the land of the red, white, and blue as the one true world superpower.

Tie the above with the recent news that Vatican has detached itself from the oversight of the Italian government and asserted its own self rule. This essentially gives the church the jurisdiction to make its own laws and govern itself autonomously. Furthermore Pope Benedict has issued an edict that declares that salvation is now only possible through membership to the mother church and void from any other denomination. Both actions are merely formalities on attitudes long held by the Vatican. However, making it official does make one wonder.
Connect the dots.

On a lighter note...
The Hopia era is coming!
Are you ready?