Sunday, July 20, 2008

As For Me and My House...

Vulnerability is a trait frowned upon by many and yet it is characteristic to human existence. Compared to even some of God’s other earthly creations the human form in all its glory, is pretty pathetic. Rhino, Elephant, and an Eagle with issues… Yeah not hard predict who’d win these matchups.

If anything it is human ego that stands in our way of seeing this truth. Sometimes we can be so full of it that we blinded to how a very thin line forms the border between us and harm. On the other hand, those of us who are aware, also run from this truth by hiding behind pretense and false bravado. Ah, the human condition. Can we truly say that we can improve ourselves through focused effort? Thoughts to ponder…

As for me and my house. A house of 1. A single point has been driven time and time again during my stay here: I am out of element. And that is more to do with life on this planet rather than location. I am out of my element and I need constant guidance, mercy, and care from my Heavenly Father to navigate through the fog.

They say you’re future unfolds as you lay dreaming about it…

Quite a number of years ago a dear friend of mine introduced me to the concept of writing out my top 10 goals for my future. Don’t know if I followed through on that but I figure now is a good time to list them out anew. So here are my top ten goals for the next 2 years beginning with the first five in this entry.

-Experience God’s will and love in my life in a tangible way.
-Finish my Master’s Degree.
-Obtain my Adobe Photoshop & InDesign ACE exams.
-Reach “cycling ready” fitness level.
-Clear all debt and restore credit rating.

Anyway still a bit under the weather so I’mma take a break and sleep for a bit. Back to the grind… er pressure washer tomorrow!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Me and My Porsche...

I am so dog gone tired. I’m also a bit under the weather. I guess that is because I wasn’t very healthy this week. Let us see I had 3 Ice Caps from Timmy’s and horrors an upsized McDonald’s Quarter Pounder Meal in the midweek. Horrors! So no surprise that I got the sore throat and chills going on…

The highlight of my week, other than get phone calls and emails from my T-dot friends, certainly had to be finally getting replacement glasses from my parents. As you know, they got me a set for my birthday but we were not happy with the final results and had to return the product back to the vendors. We took a full refund and I decided to wait to consult my personal optician, Christine regarding the nuances of eyewear choice. Armed with that information I approached the vendors at Hauck located in the Parkland Mall here in Red Deer.

I had glanced through their selection at an earlier date and fell in love with the Porsche frame line. I quickly picked out a pair of P8000 series titanium frames and opted for Nikon 1.74 high-index lenses which are currently the most cutting edge of all lens designs. The optician told me that my lenses would take about a month to arrive from Japan since they were a specialty item. I told them I had waited over a year to replace my Perry Ellis frames and one month would not hurt especially if I liked the end results.

Surprisingly, due to an early shipment of lenses, my eyewear was ready yesterday evening and I had my glasses on my face sooner than I thought. I am stoked about that development and I love my new eyewear. They definitely take my look into a new direction while keeping the same general vibe. And gosh are they light!!!

Anyway I had better go eat supper and hit the sack early. I don’t feel very well and I good long sleep with will do me good. Before go I’d like the thank Andrea for keeping my company this week and for the book. I hope find time to read it and explore what appears to be a fascinating world!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Journey...

So I’m totally enjoying my day off and figured it has been a while since I wrote anything in my blog. Well, here goes…

I’m really grateful that I got the job at Budget mainly because I think that even while I’m in school I can work on my financial future. I really don’t want to come out on the other hand with nothing in savings and having debt. I also see it as an opportunity to work on replacing my bike and invest in some digital imaging equipment.

I must confess that I am a bit intimidated by the being completely out of realm when it comes to customer service, but I guess it is something worth exploring especially within the relative safety of living with my parental units for the moment. After all isn’t the history of my family based on dealing with challenging situations?

This past weekend saw the close of the 2008 Alberta Campmeeting and I must confess that I have mixed feelings about the whole affair. While there were some really nice moments where I was reminded that I was loved by God, I still feel disconnected from the SDA church.

I was reminded that I couldn’t look to anyone else as perfect Christian examples and so much plays into a person’s spirituality more so than what religion they belong too. Moments like that made me feel lonely but I realize the loneliness stems from the fact that I need to spend more time with God and concentrate on where He is leading me. Otherwise I will be overwhelmed by the choices and options out there.

For now I am content to focus on my goals and dreams with the understanding that modification, setback, and re-evaluation are all part of the journey.