Vulnerability is a trait frowned upon by many and yet it is characteristic to human existence. Compared to even some of God’s other earthly creations the human form in all its glory, is pretty pathetic. Rhino, Elephant, and an Eagle with issues… Yeah not hard predict who’d win these matchups.
If anything it is human ego that stands in our way of seeing this truth. Sometimes we can be so full of it that we blinded to how a very thin line forms the border between us and harm. On the other hand, those of us who are aware, also run from this truth by hiding behind pretense and false bravado. Ah, the human condition. Can we truly say that we can improve ourselves through focused effort? Thoughts to ponder…
As for me and my house. A house of 1. A single point has been driven time and time again during my stay here: I am out of element. And that is more to do with life on this planet rather than location. I am out of my element and I need constant guidance, mercy, and care from my Heavenly Father to navigate through the fog.
They say you’re future unfolds as you lay dreaming about it…
Quite a number of years ago a dear friend of mine introduced me to the concept of writing out my top 10 goals for my future. Don’t know if I followed through on that but I figure now is a good time to list them out anew. So here are my top ten goals for the next 2 years beginning with the first five in this entry.
-Experience God’s will and love in my life in a tangible way.
-Finish my Master’s Degree.
-Obtain my Adobe Photoshop & InDesign ACE exams.
-Reach “cycling ready” fitness level.
-Clear all debt and restore credit rating.
Anyway still a bit under the weather so I’mma take a break and sleep for a bit. Back to the grind… er pressure washer tomorrow!!!
If anything it is human ego that stands in our way of seeing this truth. Sometimes we can be so full of it that we blinded to how a very thin line forms the border between us and harm. On the other hand, those of us who are aware, also run from this truth by hiding behind pretense and false bravado. Ah, the human condition. Can we truly say that we can improve ourselves through focused effort? Thoughts to ponder…
As for me and my house. A house of 1. A single point has been driven time and time again during my stay here: I am out of element. And that is more to do with life on this planet rather than location. I am out of my element and I need constant guidance, mercy, and care from my Heavenly Father to navigate through the fog.
They say you’re future unfolds as you lay dreaming about it…
Quite a number of years ago a dear friend of mine introduced me to the concept of writing out my top 10 goals for my future. Don’t know if I followed through on that but I figure now is a good time to list them out anew. So here are my top ten goals for the next 2 years beginning with the first five in this entry.
-Experience God’s will and love in my life in a tangible way.
-Finish my Master’s Degree.
-Obtain my Adobe Photoshop & InDesign ACE exams.
-Reach “cycling ready” fitness level.
-Clear all debt and restore credit rating.
Anyway still a bit under the weather so I’mma take a break and sleep for a bit. Back to the grind… er pressure washer tomorrow!!!